Monday, September 3, 2012


Today is Labor Day.  For working folks, it is a day of rest; the last holiday of summer.  For children, it is a puzzlement.  There are no presents, no lamb or turkey and no costume-clad character to associate with the day.  Labor Day is rather like a 'bonus' holiday; a day to celebrate the economic and social contributions of workers.

This can be a day to relax and enjoy the fruits of one's achievements, if possible - a time to evaluate and reflect upon the value of one's own life and labor.  Being an American holiday, there is always much to be grateful for.  How we choose to evaluate our job opportunities and choices is for each individual to decide.

I have listed the most notable jobs in my lifetime in two columns: 'Worst' and 'Best.' The worst job I ever had was being a waitress.  I didn't last a week.  Being a clerk, then typist in a secretarial pool weren't wonderful either.  I had to step up to something more challenging and rewarding - so I got married and had a gaggle of children.

The best job I had was being an old-fashioned wife and homemaker: washing, ironing, cooking. cleaning, caring for children, coffee klatching and volunteer work with other housewives.  In business, I enjoyed being the 'kingpin' secretary to a dozen doctors.  Later, feeling effective and rewarded, I put years of business experience to work as a marketer of hospital health services.  Finally, teaching business, marketing and ethics to college students was my most personally rewarding employment - though the pay was totally inadequate.

I must note, too, that Labor Day is the beginning of political parades, conventions, debates and speeches in preparation for November's elections.  Politics:  Now there's a job I don't want!

How about you?  What rewards have you gleaned from your labors?
~Nancy yTe~

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