Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Except for Valentine's Day, I've always thought of February as cold, uneventful and boring.  That was, until this year.  What happened?  When did February, with its snow drifts and overcoats don a party hat and dancing shoes to make merry all month long?

This February started right out with a tongue-twister event as Punxsutawney Phil made a grand appearance on Groundhog Day.  People showed up at this little town in Pennsylvania on a freezing cold morning as a troupe of men in tuxedos and silk top hats pulled Phil, an otherwise non-descript groundhog, out of its hibernation tree to see if the critter could cast its own shadow.  Can you believe real people put faith in the weather prediction of this rodent?  Though skeptical, I, too, want to believe Phil's prediction of "an early spring."  Dare I note Pennsylvania, along with half dozen other east coast states, got blasted by a blizzard before the month was out?

And  then there was the Super Bowl - that annual event football fans look forward to all year long.  I'm not sure whether the attraction is the game, the food or the half-time show but all were highly touted events this year in New Orleans; especially with brothers being rival head coaches of the competing teams.  Isn't that taking sibling rivalry to the extreme?

The stadium emptied just in time for New Orleans' famous Mardi Gras to begin.  Streets were noisy with colorful parades.  Jazz and blues filled the air.  Every instrument in the city joined in the celebration before Lent begins.  The event, all gold and purple, green and sparkles is a feast for the eyes as well as the ears.  Party masks and tons of strings of beads are worn by revelers as they shout and dance in the excitement of a traditional New Orleans' Mardi Gras.

Chinese New Year got its share of revelry as well.  Here comes another colorful February event.  This one is celebrated all over the world with red lanterns, brightly colored clothes, gifts, dancing in the streets and fireworks.  2013 is the year of the snake.  I will celebrate quietly with American Chop Suey and a fortune cookie (also of American origin) even though I am a Monkey, according to the Chinese calendar, and must wait till 2016 for my special year.  

February also went to the dogs on the 12th and 13th with the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.  Some feisty little black dog (I don't recall the breed) named Banana Joe won the Best of Show.  My favorite dog didn't make it to the finals but I thought Banana Joe was a personable and eye-appealing winner. 

The Constitution of the United States is celebrated on the 12th then Ash Wednesday as Lent begins.  George and Abraham's birthdays are celebrated separately and jointly as Presidents Day. There are two Flag Days, the 18th and the 24th, so Valentine's Day is almost lost among February's most important celebrations and birthdays - like Helen's Ruth G's and mine on the 23rd.

February wasn't a very cold month this year (and I am glad) but it has been a very busy month.  I found time to host and play MahJongg, have friends in to visit and, hopefully, I'll get my driver's license renewed.  As always, Valentine's Day is my favorite, so I'll ask you one more time:  Will you be my Valentine?   X O X O X

How did you celebrate February?  Tell me.  I'd like to know.

Nancy yTe \

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