Friday, April 5, 2013


The sun is shining today.  I'm filled with more energy and hope than I can muster on dark and dreary days.  Does sunshine effect you that way, too?  I'm going to use this day to Dream on...

I'm going to take this bright boost in determination to get something accomplished.  First, I'll gather up some vitamin D while sitting in one of the white wicker chairs where the morning sun shines the brightest on my porch.  I'll begin by setting a few goals - and writing my toDo list (so I don't forget).  Recently, I've put off making telephone calls, doing mundane chores and setting dates to meet with friends.  I'm going to start with my list of HaveTo things.  I need a dental appointment, a visit to my bank and a few items from the grocery store.  The WantTo will include setting dates to invite friends to my home - for the pleasure of their company.  My friends are interesting, talented and a joy to spend time with.  I feel 'enhanced' each time we get together as we learn new things, see the world more colorfully, laugh at our shortcomings, recognize our successes and become empowered to move beyond our usual comfort zones to dream, go places and try new things.

As the sun is warming the earth and encouraging leaves to burst forth from the trees, I find myself warming up to a healthy new week with the belief I, too, can burst forth feeling healthy and energetic - no more being a languishing lump.  I must take my own advice to 'get up, get dressed and get going.'  Yes, I have places to go, things to do and people to meet.  I hope you do, too!  Tell me.  I'd like to know....

Nancy yTe \

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